Recycled copper tree

Autumn is coming to an end. The cold of the coming winter is becoming more and more felt, so children from the Private Nursery and Kindergarten “Child’s World” in Siewierz participated in creative handicraft workshops to stop the golden Polish autumn. The workshop took place on November 15, 2023. The aim of the workshop was to create a recycled copper tree. To make the above-mentioned item, materials were used that are usually not used for play but end up in the trash, i.e. copper wire from a damaged electric motor, buttons “from a sweater from grandma”, an eco-friendly drink cup, old newspapers, i.e. items that we gave second life to. life.

While spending time together, unique creative works were created.

At the end, preschoolers from the groups: Pixies, Smurfs and Dots painted a large autumn tree with paints, the leaves of which were the prints of children’s hands in different colors.

This type of workshop is a great opportunity to promote ecology among children.

The workshops were organized as part of the project “Little with age, but big with eco-heart” project number: 2022-3-PL01-ESC30-SOL-000097905.

“Pumpkin Festival” or fun activities for preschoolers in the Private Nursery and Kindergarten “Children’s World” in Siewierz

“How nice and cheerful when a pumpkin goes around, a pumpkin here, a pumpkin there, a pumpkin goes here and there”…
It is a well-known vegetable, loved by children,
So let’s all eat pumpkin, because its season will pass quickly!

Pumpkin is a very healthy and beautiful vegetable that delights with its unique appearance and taste. Children from the group: Pixies, Smurfs and Dots attending the Private Nursery and Kindergarten “Children’s World” in Siewierz, who participated in the celebration of the “Pumpkin Festival” on October 30, found out about this. That day, everyone took part in classes together, the aim of which was to learn about the vegetable that is pumpkin. Preschoolers and their guardians talked about its appearance, diversity and purpose. There were also pumpkin games, including: slalom with a large pumpkin, selecting seeds, measuring the length and height of the pumpkin with Lego blocks, painting a pumpkin, coming up with a name for the pumpkin and many other interesting games. It was great fun and promote a healthy lifestyle!

The classes were organized as part of the project „Little with age, but big with eco-heart!” project number: 2022-3-PL01-ESC30-SOL-000097905.


What does autumn bring us in the basket? – autumn handicraft workshops for children at the Public Kindergarten. Winnie the Pooh in Sarnów

Autumn is a beautiful time, full of colorful leaves falling to the ground and rustling underfoot. A time for family walks in the park and collecting chestnuts, acorns and mountain ash.

It is also a perfect time to organize ecological workshops for children entitled: “What does autumn bring us in the basket?”

Therefore, on Friday, October 20, 2023, two groups of “Wise Owls” children attending the Public Kindergarten. Winnie the Pooh in Sarnów took part in ecological handicraft workshops organized as part of the project „Little with age, but big with eco-heart!” project no.: 2022-3-PL01-ESC30-SOL-000097905.

At the beginning of classes, preschoolers and their kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Magdalena, went to the kindergarten garden and collected autumn gifts. They collected various types of leaves, which they later used for artistic works. During the workshops, the youngest children performed “Autumn Hedgehog” on their own. The following materials were used for work: colorful maple leaves, colored paper and rowan trees (nose). Eyes and a smile painted with a black marker. The works were beautiful, simple and creative. The children’s finished works wonderfully decorated the interior of the kindergarten corridor.

We were surprised by their ingenuity, concentration of attention and accuracy in carrying out their work. Sometimes it may seem that children will not be able to create spatial work without the help of an adult. Nothing could be further from the truth. Take a look for yourself…

“Watermelon Day” in the group of Pixies, Smurfs and Little Dots

Holidays are a time of joy, sunny days and juicy fruit. On a hot August day in the Private Nursery and Kindergarten “Children’s World” in Siewierz, preschoolers from the group of Pixies, Smurfs and Dots celebrated an unusual holiday – “Watermelon Day”. On this day, children made fruit sailboats on their own. For work, they used materials that had been given a second life: watermelon rind, plastic bottles, long toothpicks, red sheets of paper from the technical block. The youngest coped with this task very well. To provide plenty of attractions on this day, the children and their teacher went to the swimming pool located in the kindergarten to launch watermelon sailboats.

These were successful activities that gave the children a lot of joy and satisfaction. The opportunity to make a sailboat was an excellent lesson in handicraft and an inspiration for artistic activities.

The workshops were conducted as part of the project „Little with age, but big with eco-heart!” project number: 2022-3-PL01-ESC30-SOL-000097905.

Workshops of painting “Eco-bags” for children and teenagers

On August 7, 2023 at At 10.00 in the City Center for Culture, Sport and Tourism in Siewierz, creative and educational workshops of handicraft painting “Eco – bags” were held. 20 people participated in the classes.

As part of the workshop, participants had the opportunity to decorate and paint “Eco-bags” by themselves. The children had reusable cotton bags, templates and special fabric markers at their disposal. Children applied nature-themed patterns to fabric bags and then painted them. As a result, the participants created wonderful and original ecological bags. The children showed great ingenuity and creativity.

Participation in the ecological workshops was free of charge. It was organized as part of the project “Little with age, but big with eco-heart!” project no.: 2022-3-PL01-ESC30-SOL-000097905.


A toy made of… garbage, i.e. ecological handicraft workshops

Every child likes to play with toys: creative, educational or interactive. However, the greatest fun is playing with a toy made by yourself. Therefore, preschoolers from the Private Nursery and Kindergarten “Świat Dziecka” in Siewierz, during the June classes organized as part of the project “Little with age, but big with eco-heart!” project no.: 2022-3-PL01-ESC30-SOL-000097905, created toys from garbage i.e. the so-called “catchers”. When creating toys, children used: plastic bottles, string, aluminum foil, colored paper. During the classes, the youngest participants of the project learned that recycled items can also be used to play together.

Workshops of this type help to teach many preschoolers to care for the environment, and at the same time awaken numerous layers of creativity in children.



May meadow, i.e. handicraft workshops in the Public Kindergarten. Winnie the Pooh in Sarnów

At the end of May, preschoolers attending the Public Kindergarten named after Winnie the Pooh in Sarnów took part in art workshops organized as part of the project “Little with age, but big with eco-heart!” project number: 2022-3-PL01-ESC30-SOL-000097905.

The workshop was led by a pre-school teacher, Mrs. Magdalena S. The classes began with listening to a story beginning with the words:
“In the May meadow grow multi-colored flowers, fragrant poppies, lilies of the valley, violets and chamomiles … “.

And with this accent, preschoolers started an ecological workshop entitled “May Meadow”. During the classes, children independently made beautiful works – simple and creative, for which they used recycled materials. Artistic and technical works made by two groups of “Tigers” wonderfully decorated the interior of the kindergarten’s corridor.

Recycling turtle, i.e. eco handicraft workshops

On the occasion of the International Turtle Day, preschoolers from the Private Nursery and Kindergarten “Świat Dziecka” in Siewierz participated in ecological handicraft workshops. During the classes, the children made turtles. To make the turtles, we needed: waste paper, recycled materials, i.e. a plastic cup that was transformed into a turtle shell, printing scraps, cardboard, i.e. objects that we gave a second life. Each turtle made was unique and unrepeatable. These types of activities are a great opportunity to promote ecology among children.

The “Recycling turtle” handicraft workshop was organized as part of the project “Little with age, but big with eco-heart!” project no.: 2022-3-PL01-ESC30-SOL-000097905.

World Bee Day in the Private Nursery and Kindergarten “Świat Dziecka” in Siewierz

World Bee Day celebrated on May 20, 2023. it is an opportunity to remind you how important the work of bees is in the environment, as well as to indicate the role that these industrious insects play in obtaining food. It is also an excuse to think about what we can do to protect these useful insects.

On that day, in the Non-Public Nursery and Kindergarten “Świat Dziecka” in Siewierz, a lecture on beekeeping was held for children from the group: Smurfs, Leprechauns and Kropeczki. The lecturer Mrs. Milena presented the youngest participants of the project “Little with age, but big with eco-heart!” project number: 2022-3-PL01-ESC30-SOL-000097905 the importance of bees for the environment, for people, for the entire planet. During the lecture, she also raised the issue of protecting bee friends and preventing the increasingly serious problem of their extinction.

In order to familiarize children with the secrets and curiosities related to the life of bees and honey production, preschoolers visited the educational and nature path in the City Park in Siewierz. There they saw entomological cabinets with specimens of insects, including various species of bees.

The youngest also made creative art works of bee motifs on their own. They consolidated the acquired knowledge during games, fun and quizzes about bees.
At the end, the children could taste the honey. The day was busy and interesting for everyone, and the effects can be seen in the gallery.

Handicraft workshops in the kindergarten “Easter palm”

An important element accompanying the celebration of Easter is the Easter palm. To make it unique, you must make it yourself. Beautiful, ecological palm trees were created with the participation of our youngest participants in the project “Little with age, but big with eco-heart!” project number: 2022-3-PL01-ESC30-SOL-000097905, implemented in the Non-Public Nursery and Kindergarten “Świat Dziecka” in Siewierz. Handicraft workshops were conducted in three groups: Leprechauns, Smurfs, Dots.

Thanks to the professional guidance of preschool teachers: Mrs. Milena, Mrs. Marta, Mrs. Sylwia, as well as the involvement and efforts of the children, unique and one-of-a-kind eco-palms for Easter were created. To make a palm tree, preschoolers used ecological materials (bases, ribbons), recycled materials with the addition of natural materials (bottle caps, cartons, dry flowers) and decorative materials (cotton, tissue paper).

The effects of the work of the youngest participants of the project are presented below.